Unlike yesterday. Esme had a terrible sleep the night before and she was pretty miserable all day. She seemed to only be happy when I was holding her. She would be completely asleep and then as soon as I put her down, she would start crying within a couple of minutes. I was so frustrated. By the time Aaron got home from work I was in tears, exhausted. Here's what he figured out at about 1 am this morning. Whenever we put Esme in her crib she cried. The bedding in her crib was probably about 4 -5 days old, but clean - or so I thought. She does spit up in her sleep some and I suppose it gets on the sheets. Anyway, Aaron thought maybe if he put her in the crib the other way (head facing the opposite) maybe she would like it better. And she did! She slept great, which led to our great day today. The thing we were thinking is that maybe she could smell the old spit up??? I have no idea, but when she gets it on her onesies, I can completely smell the sour smell, so it makes sense that maybe she could smell it on the sheet. We'll see. I washed the bedding today and we'll see what happens tonight. Or maybe she just likes facing the other way and we're thinking too much about it.
Anyway, the drama today was with Cricket, not Esme. Aaron got a call from his vet (which is where we take her for her grooming) saying that they accidentally cut her leg and that the grooming was free, they gave her antibiotics for free and they put glue on the cut. She of course licked off the glue after being home for an hour so we wrapped the wound. It looked like a pretty big cut! We probably won't be going back there again. When she got home she wrapped herself up in a blanket and it was really cute. Poor thing.