Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visiting Mommy at work

Today Esme came to see me at work.  Grandma Barb needed some sunglasses so she and Grandpa Dan brought Esme in to my clinic just as I was finishing up with patients. 

Grandma Barb is off looking for shades!
Esme had fun playing with the one toy we have for kids and hanging out with everyone, while Kelly and Molly played with my camera!!!

Wonderful Molly
Everything was so interesting that Esme couldn't even be bothered to look at the camera to take a picture with me.  Oh well. :)

Work is sure a lot more fun when Esme visits!!!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

First Bubble Bath

Today Esme had her first bubble bath.  It was kind of funny to watch her play with the bubbles.  Aaron and I almost forgot to actually use soap and clean her up!

She still doesn't like getting her face wet, but we're working on it a bit.  Hopefully, she will get more used to it.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Oh my gosh... I think I see the future.

Sorry, the image quality on this isn't great, but the video is long enough that I couldn't keep the quality on here and still do the whole video. :)

Monday, July 19, 2010


Do you remember this? Esme vacuuming with Daddy? That was in November. She looks so little!

Well, some things never change.

Ok, maybe SOME things do. It's a different house. :)

And by the way, I do vacuum as well. Aaron just doesn't photograph it!!! :)

The beginning of food wars???

Esme's getting pickier and pickier when it comes to food. She wants to eat only a few bites of things and then she's done.

Lately she's loving saltines, but that's been a constant for awhile now. She's definitely a salty girl. Not like her sweet loving momma! She doesn't like graham crackers, but give her a saltine and she's happy. She also loves pork chops. She also likes tomatoes, apples, bananas, really anything she can eat by herself. But she's figured out that when she shakes her head no, it means no. She's not using the word no yet, but when she doesn't want to eat something, you quickly know.

She practiced using a spoon yesterday for the first time and did pretty well. I think she probably got a good half of the food in that she tried to.

On another note, we finished with formula today! We're finally done with it! On to whole milk. We've been doing milk for a couple of weeks now, but mixing it with formula to get rid of the formula. It's going to be nice to not have to mix that powder from now on.

It's hard to believe that Esme's big enough to be done with formula. Next step, giving up bottles. We'll see how that goes!!!