Ok, ok. I hereby solemnly PROMISE to blog soon. Two things have happened recently that make blogging a lot harder.
First, Esme is all about the computer. If I'm on it she wants to be on it. I sit down to work on something and she yells "me help!" and jumps in my lap. Then she types and clicks and puts her
sticky beautiful fingers all over the screen.
Second, Esme's transitioning from afternoon naps to no naps. When there's no naps, there's no blogging. Also, on the days she does nap her bedtime is later. She was a solid 7:30pm for the first two years of her life and now bedtime is usually between 8-9pm. This means less computer time also.
Overall, blogging right now is tough! At some point, I will do some catch-up posts but until then, here's a cute story.
Yesterday Esme didn't get a nap and at about 5pm she wanted to eat. So I put her in her high chair in front of the TV (yes, we all eat in front of the TV most of the time) and I gave her a snack while I worked on dinner. About 5:30 I looked over and she was out, sleeping with a piece of cheese in her hand.
I let her sit there for awhile and then we tried to wake her up, but she was not interested. It didn't help that it was lightening and thundering really loud outside. She just clung to me. So I rocked her and put her to bed.
She has had nights like this before where she slept through the night but I didn't really feel like that was going to happen. Sure enough, at 8:30 she woke up and wanted "play time!". So we let her play for awhile, but by 9:30pm Aaron and I were both tired. So we went to bed and took her with us. This is the first time she has ever slept with us at home. Once in a hotel and once at my parent's house, but never at home. She played for awhile and sang for awhile and finally fell asleep. At 10:30pm I picked her up and took her to her crib. She woke up for just a minute and said "playtime?" and then she wanted me to "sit" because I usually sit with her for a few minutes after she lays down. But I was too tired so I just told her that I had to go to bed. She was fine with that. After a quick "nigh night Mommy", she was off to sleep and so was I.