In case you were wondering: Yes, I have still been reading away. Let's catch up.
Little Bee by Chris Cleave was ok. I can see why a lot of people like this book, but I can't say that I loved it. I did finish it in a short amount of time, it was easy enough to read, but I wouldn't read it again and it will probably go in my garage sale pile.
A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick was only ok also. Again, I can see why people like it but there was so much about it that was beyond far fetched. Some interesting turns and twists.
The next book I read I LOVED!!! The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford. It was so good, I wanted it to keep going and going. I want to know more about the characters lives; past, present and future. I was sad this book was over and I would say that it's probably one of my top five books of all time.

Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert was not a book that I planned on putting on this list. I was in Hawaii and done with the books that I had brought with me and I needed something to read. We went to Barnes and Noble and I looked around for a bit and couldn't really come up with anything better so I decided to read this one. I actually liked the first 2/3 of it. At the end I still liked it, but I just had had enough of her. Like one of us had overstayed our welcome at the other's house. Overall though, I'm glad that I read it. I have the movie sitting on my counter because my mother in law got it from Netflix and passed it on to me. I'm not sure I'm ready to spend a couple of more hours with her, but then again why not?

Molly from work left the next book on my desk at work after she heard about my resolution. It's called Having Our Say: The Delany Sisters' First 100 Years. This was such an interesting book. These are two women who were beyond their time. I was amazed at how they were able to stay true to who they were raised to be in times of so much change and instability.
Finally I just finished reading The School of Essential Ingredients by Erica Bauermeister. I really like to cook and bake and have been frequenting a number of food blogs lately. This fell right in with those pastimes. It makes me want to sign up for a cooking class sooner than later.
And that's where I am so far. Nine books down and thirty one to go. On second thought, I may not have time for a cooking class...