Today was a busy day. We started off by going to the doctor. :( Esme has had a little bit of an ear ache for the last week or so and last night it was really bad. She woke up in the middle of the night crying. So we decided to take her in. The good news is that she was still her goofy self, even in the doctors office.
We left with this ear drop.It turns out that Esme didn't have an ear infection like I was suspecting. She has swimmer's ear. She's been swimming twice a week at home, so this has likely been brewing for a little while now.
We also went to a keiki (children's) hula dance. After watching a bunch of dancers, Esme got to go up onstage and dance too! Sorry, I think these videos are going to be small.
Then when she got home she did her own version of the hula. With the appropriate costume, of course. It's a long video and I apologize for that, but watch until the end because her bow is hilarious!
Even after all that dancing, she still was all about the music. Check out her jamming on her ukelele.
Ok, enough videos. Sorry about that. Here are just a few regular old pictures...
So as you can see, even with an ear ache, she's still in a great mood. Easy to do in Maui!