Sunday, December 7, 2014

Welcome Jingles!

Today began as an ordinary Sunday.  Little did we know what changes were in for.  We got up and went to swimming lessons.  Esme has had a terrible cold with a fever all week so swimming was hard and slow for her.  But she did her best!  FYI - I did ask her if she would like to stay home from swimming lessons and she said no, she wanted to go.

There is an Elf on the Shelf that lives at Foss and his name is Freddie.  After her lesson, Esme was very excited to look for him.  She had a hard time finding him today, he was hiding in the vending machine!  Sneaky Freddie!

As we left Foss to run to Target, I heard from Esme that every single girl in her class and some of the boys have Elves living at their house.  She is the only one who doesn't.  How can that be?  I felt so bad for her! ;-)

The funny thing is, Santa must have heard her because when we got out to the car after shopping, there was an Elf on the Shelf laying under the book she had been reading on the way to swimming lessons!  What the heck?

Esme decided to name her Jingles and we are very excited to announce her arrival!
Esme and Jingles

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Help Hide Tom!

Esme was given the assignment to help disguise Tom the Turkey.
We thought of bunch of ideas, but ultimately Esme thought that her turkey should be a Rockstar.  I thought that was a great idea!

Here is what we started with.  A piece of cardboard to make the stage.
 And plain Tom.
Esme thought that our Tom Turkey should be a girl.  So a girl rock star it was.  
Notice the polka dotted stage curtains, the microphone stand, the many spotlights, the long purple pink hair, the pink crazy dress and the blinged out guitar.
What do you think?  Will anyone be able to find him?  I hope not!  Great job Esme!  It was super fun to work on this project with you!

Monday, November 10, 2014

First Snow 2014

Today we got a bunch of snow!  The first snow fall of the year and it was enough that Esme didn't have school.  I don't work on Mondays so it was nice that I was able to stay home with her.

We started the day off by going to Crossfit.  There was a little snow on the ground and by the time the WOD was done I had an inch or so of snow on my car.  Do you think I put my scraper in my car ahead of time?  Nope!  Oh well.  Eventually with the wipers and the sleeve of my coat my windows were clear!

When we got home, I went out to shovel.  I got about a third of the driveway done before I took a break.  The snow was heavy and wet and sticking to my shovel the whole time.  Needless to say after kettlebell swings and rowing my arms were tired.  So I went in for about 45 minutes.  I got my coat back on to go outside and start again but when I got out there it had snowed so much more that you couldn't even tell where I had already shoveled!  I decided then and there that #1: I was going to wait for Aaron to get home to help.  And #2: I needed to learn how to use the snowblower.

Aaron took off of work early to miss the afternoon commute and when he got home we shoveled and he showed me how to turn on the snowblower.  There are like 6 steps so I hope I can remember if I need it again.  Esme helped for a little while, but mostly she just ate the snow.  Then when the neighbor boys came out she went and played with them.

They ended up in the house after awhile.  They played Guitar Hero and the boys drank hot chocolate (Esme doesn't like hot chocolate).  Overall a pretty fun day.  And at the end of it all we had about 10 inches of snow!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

Esme is all about pirates right now.  She loves them almost as much as princesses.  Which is why she decided that she wanted to be a pirate princess for Halloween this year.

We went to Disney World in May and Esme got a Merida costume.  Because it was rather a lot expensive, she was told that she would have to be Merida for Halloween and she was fine with that.  But then a couple of months ago she asked if she could be a pirate princess instead.  I asked her if she thought she could wear her Merida dress for that and she thought she could.

Also while she was at Disney she asked for and got a pirate sword and a hook.  All we needed to get was a pirate hat, preferably one that had a pink sparkly skull and crossbones on it (easy right?).  I found a plain brown hat at Target and went to Michael's to get some bling.  Aaron drew Esme a perfectly wonderful skull and crossbones on pink sparkly sticky foam, Esme drew one too!  She looked at both and thought she would like to use hers.  Then she put jewels all over the hat and boom!  She was a pirate princess.

Notice the fabulous Jeweled Jolly Roger!

She had a great time going door to door and getting candy. 

Afterwards, we took her to my parents and Aaron and I went to a Halloween party at Crossfit.  She stayed in her costume all night and would not lay in a bed for fear it would turn into a sleep over.  
We picked her up after midnight and she was still in her costume, minus the hat!

Quite a successful Halloween!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Esme's Tree

Normally around Esme's birthday we take a picture with her tree.  We planted an oak tree in our back yard on her first birthday.  This year time got away from us and just now we are getting the picture taken.  Oops!

Here's a little blast from the past.

Age 1 -
 Age 2 -
 Age 3 -

Age 4 -

And finally Age 5 - 

It's funny because the tree is growing too, but not as quick as Esme!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Crow Hassan

Today Esme had school and Aaron and I were both off.  We decided to go for a hike at Crow Hassan. It was a little weird to be there without Esme but kind of nice in a way too.  It reminded me of all the times that we were there when we were dating.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Corn Maze

Today we took Esme to the Corn Maze at the 101 Market in Otsego.  She had a great time finding her way through the maze, looking for clues to a puzzle.
getting tired of looking for the last clue
There was also a train ride around the grounds.  It was about 5 minutes, but Esme loved it. 

Happy Fall!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014


Things with school are getting better.

Esme woke up this morning really well.  She is finally getting used to this morning thing!  (I wish I could say the same.  Ugh.)

Yesterday, she got teary just as she was about to get on the bus.  She did get on though and did ok.  This morning, she was a little nervous again right before the bus came, but just like yesterday - she got right on.  If I ask her about it, she says that she's nervous about the bus but she doesn't articulate why very well.  Hopefully it will get better.  We'll keep watching.

Tonight though, out of the blue - she told me that all of the kids in the class have a book box where they keep books.  According to Esme all the kids in the class got books put in their box except Esme. Because Ms. Pearson has to find some harder books to put in Esme's box!  She didn't have any!  Esme was so excited!

Esme also told me that today that she likes PE.  What?!? She said that once she gets there, she likes it.  She's still nervous before she goes, but then it goes away a little bit.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

It's getting better!

A lot has happened since the last post.

As you remember, Esme's first week of school was terrible!  She was so happy for the weekend and just didn't want to go to school on Monday.  :(  I felt bad for her, but we spent quite a bit of time encouraging and reassuring her.  And of course letting her know that she did, in fact, have to go back.

Monday came and she was very nervous.  She spent a little bit of time here....
Poor thing!!  But not nearly as much time as she did last week, only a few times.  In an effort to keep her time in front of the toilet to a minimum, I set a timer for one minute and told her that after that we were going to leave the bathroom.  She actually never made it to the one minute mark.  

I had decided earlier that I would drive her to school on Monday.  There was some question as to whether it was the bus that she was afraid of so I wanted her first day back to at least start on a good note.  She was very happy to hear this.  I dropped her off and away she went with a smile.

When I went to pick her up in the afternoon, I got to visit a little more with Ms. Pearson.  She said that Esme had a pretty good day.  I think part of the reason it went so well is that there was a sub for PE and it was a woman.  Ms. Pearson said that as soon as Esme saw that it was going to be a woman she visibly relaxed.  But already while we were still in the school building, she was talking about the next time she would have PE and that she was still afraid of it and Mr. Fischer.  Stepping back for a moment: Over the weekend Aaron had a great idea.  He thought it would be a helpful if he or I went with Esme and met Mr. Fischer to get to know him a little better.  He was going to be taking Esme to school on Thursday because I had a dentist appointment so he offered to do it then.  I asked Ms. Pearson if she thought it would be a good idea and she said that Mr. Fischer was back for the rest of the day and was probably in his office.  No time like the present, so away we went to the gym!

I saw right away why Esme was scared of him.  He's a big, tall guy with a scruffy beard and he talks very fast.  He was friendly and wanted Esme to feel comfortable, but he almost couldn't stop talking to let her get a word in.  However, in the end he reassured her about a couple of things.  Number one, he didn't care if she couldn't do a somersault as long as she tried when the time came.  He let her know that he wasn't very good at soccer and maybe she could help him out with it.  That made her feel better.  He also suggested that they exchange pictures (school pictures came in that day) and that way it was kind of like they were friends.  This made her smile a little bit.  Lastly, he encouraged her to give him a high five or fist bump any time that she saw him in the hall.

Over all I think it went really well.  She's still nervous about him.  But meeting him with me and Ms. Pearson there really helped her to be less afraid.

How do I know it helped?  There were no more trips to the toilet AT ALL the rest of the week for one thing!  And she actually ate a little breakfast each day of the week.  There were a few little hiccups during the week.  She did something in class that she felt guilty about and wanted to/didn't want to tell Ms. Pearson about.  She ended up deciding to tell the truth and felt much better doing the right thing.  On Thursday night she practiced doing somersaults in the front yard and now she can do one!!! It's not always pretty, but the important thing is that she can do it!

Aaron thought that in celebration of her great week, she should get to pick a fun activity Friday night.  She decided that she wanted to go bowling.  We decided to try out the bowling alley in Buffalo.  It was really fun.  She was a dancing fool!
Here are some fuzzy, cruddy pictures.  But check out the flowers in her hair and the rainbow socks.   She wore the flowers all day and chose the socks just for bowling.  I know they're hard to see against that crazy carpet, but they're there!
Wondering what (or who) is in that bag?  Cottonelle and Purple Eye had to come watch and cheer!  Esme even got one strike and one spare.  She was so happy!
 And then this is what happened on the way home.
 How can you not love that?!?  What a great end to a to a long and eventful week!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Friday, September 12, 2014

First week of school is over

This has been just a crazy week for Esme, and not in a good way.

I knew that she would be exhausted from going to full day kindergarten for 5 days in a row.  She is most definitely not a morning person, so I knew it would be hard to get her up in the mornings.  She's had some fears this summer that I thought might creep into her kindergarten routine.  And she's naturally a worrier.  But wow!  This is so much harder than I thought it would be.

One of the days she was so nervous to go to PE she couldn't even talk about it.  She can't do a somersault and she was just sure that she was going to have to do somersaults in PE.  We tried to explain to her that they would probably play games and do a lot of different things.  She couldn't even consider that.

Another day she kept telling me that something happened on the bus and that she didn't want to tell me about it because she was just going to deal with it herself.  You can imagine where my mind went with this!  After a whole lot of working to get it out of her, she finally told me that she was nervous to ride the bus because the neighbor boy waved to her in a certain way when they got off the bus and it made her embarrassed.  Keep in mind that this is the same neighbor boy that was in her picture on the first day of school and who she plays with all the time.

Remember how I said that once or twice a month Esme will wake up saying that she thinks she's going to throw up?  Well, this week she has done that every single day and its escalated each day.  It's entirely nerves.  She refuses to eat breakfast and the one morning I actually forced her to eat something???  She promptly threw it up.  This morning, she refused to come out of the bathroom because she was crying so much saying that she was sure she was going to throw up, that she hates school, and doesn't want to go. On top of that, she hasn't really been eating her lunch, she's not hungry when she gets home half the time.  This is just miserable for her.

I just can't believe that my little girl; the one who loved preschool, who is already reading, who is practicing multiplication with my nieces; hates school.  How can this be?

I talked to her teacher today and she had a talk with Esme.  Esme told her that she didn't like riding the bus and Esme also said that to my mom and to Aaron.  But when I asked her about it, it didn't sound like it was a huge thing.  She says that she hates PE, she doesn't really like any of the things she's doing at school, doesn't like to make new friends and that the only good part is recess.

Now I can tell you that I think some of this is malarky.  We were working on her homework last night and she loved it.  When I ask her something specific like "What did you do for math today?" she will tell me what she did - today was sorting buttons.  She could sort them any way she wanted and she chose to sort them by the numbers of holes that they had.  When I asked if she liked that she said yes!  Plus, there's an optional Spanish class that starts next month where one day a week they stay an extra hour to learn Spanish.  She immediately asked to do it and is still super excited about it.  So she likes learning.

One thing that is interesting and worries me is that she says that she can't hear Mr. Fisher (PE teacher) and that all day she feels like she forgets everything right away.  In the past, when she has done swimming and soccer - she always looks at Aaron and me (or my parents or whoever else is there) to make sure that she's doing a good job.  While she's doing that - the coach or instructor is usually giving instructions that she's missing because she's looking at us.  Then she says "I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing" and gets all worked up about it.  I imagine that is what's happening at school also.  I think her little brain is so worried that she can't get herself to listen or pay attention to what's being said.  So of course she can't hear or remember.  Uffda.

I know the bottom line is that she's just having a hard time transitioning.  It doesn't help that she's tired and she's not eating enough which has always turned her into a crabby girl  She keeps saying that she misses us and doesn't want to go to school because she's away from us all day.  I really think this is the true issue.  Holy cow, this stinks.

Where we are now is that we are going to put a picture of our family in her backpack that she can look at anytime that she wants to.  We're going to practice listening by looking at the teacher/instructors face while they are giving instructions so that our eyes can help our ears.  Also, we're going to work on trying to wait 3 seconds until after someone is done talking to respond.  That is mostly because she is interrupting us a lot to answer things before she's even heard what we want her to do.  And finally, if she is good with going to school in the mornings Monday through Thursday, I will drive her to school on Friday and my parents will pick her up so that she doesn't have to ride the bus.

I sure hope that will help.  I just hate seeing her so miserable.  Stay tuned...

Friday, September 5, 2014

No second or third day of Kindergarten

Esme coughed all night Wednesday night.  She's been nursing a bit of a cold, but that night was a really long night for her.  And probably for Aaron too.  In all honestly, I only heard a bit of it and slept through the rest.  Yes, I'm married to a great father!

Anyway... when Esme woke up she felt really warm.  The first thing she did was run to the toilet yelling that she thought she was going to throw up.  This alone didn't alarm me.  For the last year or so, at least a couple of times a month, she will wake up and be certain that she's going to throw up.  She'll run to the toilet and nothing will happen.  Then a little while later she'll eat a bit and it's all better.  This time she did throw up.  And that set the stage for the day - puking or dry heaving all day. She couldn't keep anything down.

I stayed home with her because I felt so bad for her.
 She laid and watched TV and was basically miserable.  Finally she just fell asleep.
She was still throwing up in the evening so that meant that she couldn't go to school the next day (Friday) either.  The school has a 24 hour rule, so kids can't go back to school for 24 hours from the last time they threw up.  

When I told her that she couldn't go on Friday, she just cried.  She said in a completely pathetic and adorable voice "Mom!  Why is this happening to me!!".  I felt so bad for her.  She wondered if the kids at school missed her.

Aaron stayed home with her today.  He wasn't feeling all that well either.  He had a sore throat and a headache.  I think I was better off being at work and being away from those two sickies!!! :)

I hope she'll rally for the weekend so she can have a little fun before starting back to school on Monday.  Poor peanut!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

First Day of Kindergarten

Yesterday we had kindergarten orientation.  Esme was so excited to go to school, meet her teacher and see her new classroom.  She's been so excited all summer, counting down the days until school starts.
She made that head band herself and insisted on wearing it today.  It's also school pictures today so it will be forever remembered. :)

Ms. Pearson is Esme's teacher and she seems really fun!  I know Esme will like her.

Today was the real deal though.  Esme wasn't even a little bit nervous to ride the bus and go to school.  I really thought she would be when it came down to it.  She's had such a rough summer of being afraid of new things.  Today, not the case at all.  The bus driver had to actually remind her to turn around so I could take her picture!

Our next door neighbor Zac rides the same bus.  He said he would help Esme if she needed it.  Aaron went to work a little late so he could see her off on the first day.  I didn't cry nearly as much as I thought I would.  I did a little, but not too much.  I'm proud of myself!
And here was her annual sign.  Notice the rainbow in the background.  I think that's a sign of a different kind - the promise of a fabulous school year!!!
I'm excited to see how this year goes and to see how Esme learns and grows!