Friday, June 8, 2012

Guess who's 3???

Can you believe it?  Esme's 3!  It seems like not that long ago we were here.  But now look at this grown up girl!  And yes, I'm aware that in this picture she looks like she's 3 going on 23.  Yikes cannot even begin to cover it...
Three year old Esme's favorite place in the world right now is the Minnesota Children's Museum.  I think she would go there every single day if she could.  Aaron and I took the day off of work for her birthday and her surprise was that she got to go there.

So away we went!  Esme had such a good time and did not want to go home.  The "foam blocks" as mentioned in the video are her favorite.  They are literally just that - foam blocks.  The kids put them on conveyor belts (there are several) that they have to turn a wheel to move. It's the simplest thing and the kids just flock there.  If you mention anything about the Children's Museum to Esme, the first thing she will talk about it the blocks.  Apparently, everyone else feels the same way because it's always the most crowded area.

Let's get to work shall we?  Good job worker Esme!
Who would have thought that would be so much fun? The bubble area was another big hit.
She got to be a turtle.
She even loved the skyway between the parking garage to the Museum!
After a couple of hours of playing, we finally convinced Esme it was time to go home.  Getting her out of the Museum was no easy feat.  It's no surprise that there were tears involved...  Eventually we dragged her to the car convinced her it was time to leave and we went to Brasa to eat a late lunch.  Esme had yuca fries.  What an awesome girl and brave eater!  
sorry for the awful picture Esme!
As you can see, she was super exhausted.  She's eating her fries in an almost comatose state!  Maybe she wasn't such a brave eater after all.  Only a very tired and hungry girl who just had the best day ever at her favorite place ever!  Happy Birthday Eda MayMay!  We love you to the moon!

1 comment:

  1. Just getting caught up on your blog! Looks like she had a GREAT birthday!
