Monday, August 30, 2010

Television, unrequited love, and puppy kisses

Esme's finally figured out that the television is there.  Up until now she's been pretty oblivious to it.  Sometimes we would turn it on to cartoons and she would look at it for a tenth of a second and then she was on to the next thing. 

I even got a little portable DVD player that we would take in the car to ND when she was several months old.  When she would get fussy on the long drive, I would put on Baby Mozart or something like that, and she would kind of watch it, but she wasn't really all that impressed.

So imagine my surprise the other day when I had the TV on while I was in the kitchen and I looked over and saw that she was watching it!  I knew it would happen eventually, but I was still surprised.  I changed the channel to cartoons for her and she sat perfectly still, in this position for several minutes.

Later we went over to Jack and Charlie's house and she was watching television with Charlie. 

Or maybe she was just watching Charlie...  It's hard to tell in this picture.  Charlie used to be Esme's "boyfriend", but now that we've moved away it appears that he's moved on.  I hear he's found another.  We won't tell Esme just yet since she seems so interested in him.  Although, it could be that she was interested in the snack he was eating.  At Jack and Charlie's Esme gets puffs and she loves them!

Sadie and Emma like Puffs too!
Emma kept giving Esme kisses.  I'm sure she was making sure that Esme felt loved.  Esme fell hook, line and sinker.  She kept putting her mouth right next to Emma's to try to get more and more kisses from her.  Good thing she was generous with them!

Charlie Bakken eat your heart out!
I think at the moment, she's made the right choice.  Puppies are WAY more lovable than boys!  Unless of course the boy has a snack that you want. :)

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