Thursday, May 27, 2010

I don't know why this is surprising to me...

Have you ever had a piece of hair or something on your tongue and you can't find it? You keep feeling for it and looking for it? Yeah, me too. Hold that thought.

Last night Esme woke up at about midnight. I still haven't figured out why she's waking up in the night. I'm sure it must have to do with a growth spurt or some milestone she's about to reach. But it's difficult because it takes forever to get her back down. She's not hungry - she just wants to cry. I'm not even sure she's awake to be honest. Eventually, she kind of wakes up and then we rock and try to calm back down. But after she falls back into a dead sleep, she will wake up when I put her in the crib and we start all over. I feel so bad for the peanut.

But last night in the midst of her crying, she kept stopping and grabbing at her tongue like there was a piece of hair there. Not surprising since we have 2 cats and 2 dogs. But then she would take her fingers out of her mouth and look at them like she was looking to make sure she got whatever it was out. She did that several times before she must have succeeded. Then she fell asleep again.

I don't know what that surprised me so much. I guess she's growing up and aware. But it seemed like such a grown up thing to do. Realizing that there was something yucky in her mouth, using her fingers to pinch it out and then looking to see that she actually got it. Such a big girl!

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