Saturday, September 11, 2010

Summer fun

Here's a couple of videos of Esme taken a couple of weeks ago.

It was a really warm day out and Esme was playing with her water table.  Aaron started the water in the hose for some reason (to fill the dog's water bowl maybe???) and Esme decided that she wanted to play in it.  She walked through the water spray a bunch of times, giggling like crazy!  Of course by the time that I got the video camera out she wasn't quite as enthusiastic as she had been.  Turns out, at this point she was just thirsty!

The other thing she was having a great time with was going up and down the big slide.  She pretty much has the little one figured out so it was time to move up to bigger and better things.  The good news is she has a blast doing it.  The bad news is this can only be done while Daddy is home because Mommy is not tall enough to help in case of emergency.  You'll see what I mean in a minute.  In this video too, Esme is tired.  She's climbed this slide about 7 or 8 times by now and she wants to keep doing it, but it's getting harder and harder the more fatigued she gets.

One more thing you'll probably notice, it's pretty slow going down that slide.  You can sort of see that her bum is wet when she's crawling up.  But it's really pretty soaked.  Running through a spray of water will do that for you!  The other thing she hasn't quite figured out is that she has to put her feet up to slide more quickly.  Now that it's been a little cooler and she's had socks on, she can slide down the slide REALLY fast!  Unfortunately, she can't climb up that way because her feet won't stick.  It makes for a frustrated toddler and a tired Mommy because I have to lift her up on the slide over and over again.  Then she gets even more mad because I can't lift her high enough to get her up to the crow's nest.  Oh well... I'm guessing there will be many, many more times where she will be mad at me!  :)

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