Monday, November 22, 2010

Budding Artist

As many of you know, we've gone back and forth with baths and water.  Esme used to love baths.  Then she hated getting her head wet and therefore hated baths.  After playing with the water table this summer she learned that water was fun and even started pouring cups of water over hear head.  Once again, baths were good.  Then inexplicably, they were bad again and she would cry every single time we neared the bathtub. 

Then came the "crayons".  Esme LOVES drawing.  Pens, crayons, pencils, it doesn't matter - if it writes, she wants to write with it.  So far she's pretty good at keeping her drawing on the paper, but I'm sure that will change soon.  Anyway, I found some crayons that you can use in the tub and that's all it took.  Now Esme loves the bath!  She cries when we take her out of it, even if the water is already cold.  I think she would sit in there all day!