Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First Day of Preschool

I can't believe it's here, but Esme is starting school.  Her world is getting bigger and bigger every day.  For the most part I'm super excited for her, but a little part of me wants to throw up a lot.

We took some fun pictures before we got there.  I made a sign for her.  Favorite Colors are pink and purple.  Favorite Food is bananas.  Best Friend - she said her friend Annie who is her imaginary friend. I hadn't heard her talk about Annie in awhile, so that was a bit of a surprise.  And When I grow up I want to be - she said a Puppy.
She wanted to make a sign too of course!  I thought it was amazing!
And she's so very proud of her giraffe back pack.
Hi Silly Face!!!
Arriving at school.
Once we got in the building, promptly went and stood in the wrong line.  We were in line with the 4 year olds who had already done a year of preschool.  I didn't realize this, of course, and was freaking out because these kids seemed so big and sure of themselves.  I thought there would at least be a few who were timid and a little scared.  But not here!  They were playing with each other and jumping around like crazies!  Esme stood a little behind me, holding on to my leg a bit and I could feel my eyes start to burn and water.  It took everything I had not to cry.  I thought, they are going to eat her up!

Soon the door opened and the teacher welcomed the children in.  It wasn't Esme's teacher!  Thank goodness!  We went straight to the correct room and things were better.  Everyone was either a little shy and timid or just outgoing.  But no craziness!  Don't get me wrong, craziness is great and I'm sure there will be much more of it as the kids get to know each other, but for now (for me anyway) shy and timid is just fine.
As we filed in the room, Esme was excited to see her teachers and a few of the kids that she recognized from the open house.  I thought she might be nervous for me to leave, but she wasn't at all.  She gave me a quick hug and a kiss and was all about playing.
 Lots of sparkly, glittery play dough to start off the day!
Two and a half hours later, I went to pick her up and she was just fine.  She had so much fun!  I wanted to take a picture of her under the Welcome to Preschool sign.  This little boy, Noah, was so used to posing for pictures for his mom that he jumped right into our pictures!  I have about 4 with him before his mom realized and called him away.  Esme was kind of like - whatever...  But she didn't really know what to do.  I think it's adorable as heck and someday when they're friends in high school or get married or something, this will be a fun picture to look back on.  

So to recap.  Esme's cute as heck.  She had a great time and I didn't cry.  Should be a great school year!

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