Saturday, April 30, 2011

Exploring Mpls

Through blogging (much more as a follower of blogs than a blogger) and twitter, I've been lucky enough to meet some great people.  One of them is Janelle.  She has a great blog and a fabulous project that I'm super excited to follow.

I was lucky enough that she invited me to go for a walk with her around Minnehaha Park.  We met on a Friday afternoon and, much like the rest of this spring, it was cloudy and threatening rain.  Despite that, we managed to walk about 4 miles and get some fun pictures.  Janelle's photos turned out a lot better than mine, but it was fun to follow a real blogger/photographer and see what she takes pictures of.  Mostly, I just copied her. :)
The porta potties and Free Parking is for the Get In Gear 5k that happened the next morning
How is this the only picture I have of Janelle????
Here's what I learned today.  I love taking pictures of random things - yes that IS oversized plastic fruit yard decor that you see.  I have a lot of work to do learning about photography because most of my pictures are a little fuzzy or not quite the way I want them to be.  And walking with new friends is amazing.

Thanks Janelle, let's do it again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Yes, let's walk again soon. Sometimes overcast days are great for photos but for our particular walk, it was a challenge to get the colors to really pop. I do quite a bit of photo editing which is why I am sure you have the misperception that mine turned out better than yours. I love that you captured the Longfellow mural, the composition of the goose, orange and lawn chair is fun and I didn't even see that particular Sea Salt sign. Great job! Let's get our next walk on the calendar!

    Also, my neighborhood tour project now lives here:

    You'll notice one of the photos on the home page :).
